A research and prevention project on the convergence between video games and gambling
Children and young people are introduced to gambling whilst playing video games.
This occurs in a variety of ways: social casino games, in-game gambling, betting on competitive gaming, skin betting and the use of gambling mechanics and references in video games.
The research on gambling and young people states that teenagers are four times more likely to develop gambling problems than adults and one in five adults with gambling problems started gambling before they were 18.
For this project the Institute of Games works gathered and analysed research and implemented a range of activities to limit kids’ access and exposure to gambling in video games.

What was done
analysis of research
to ensure the project and the information was based on evidence.
Insight reports
Outlining the convergence of gambling in video games.
Provided evidence to Senate committee
On the monetization of chance based items in video games.
Created resources for parents and families
Providing easy to understand information.
Workforce development
Training clinical staff at gambler’s help services
What was achieved
Community events raising awareness about gambling in video games
Million people reached through radio and tv appearances
thousand downloads of developed resources
professionals trained in the convergence of gambling and gaming
parents and students attended workshops<br />
Let’s chat! I would love to talk to you about what’s happening and how we could help. We will discuss the needs of your school/students in detail and custom design a workshop that will acieve the outcomes you’re looking for.